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-=MajorMUD NEWS=-
First Name:


~What is MajorMUD?
~Module 9
~Module 8
~Module 7
~Module 6
~Module 5
~Module 4
~Module 3
~Module 2
~Module 1

~How to Play
~Which MUD is for you?
~Play Now

~MM Baselines
~MM Modules
~WG Baselines
~WG Modules
~Common Problems
~Future Releases


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Whether you already have a board or you want to start one, MajorMUD is the best way to attract new customers and maintain a loyal client base. MajorMUD is the most popular game on the BBS platform, with thousands of devoted and enthusiastic players. Sysops have discovered that MajorMUD is their best source of revenue and customers.

You can entice new players with the promise of an adventure that never ends.

  • With over 16,000 rooms within the entire realm (consisting of six current Modules), your players will find something new around every corner.
  • The world of MajorMUD is always expanding, giving your players
    • access to a complex series of quests,
    • a wide range of races and classes of characters, and
    • intriguing powers and spells!

Most players return day after day and, in some cases, they never leave ... many people set their computer to "script" their characters' ongoing adventures 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This investment in their characters' development and in the game's many quests means most MUDders stay with the game (and their BBS) for years.

In order to run MajorMUD on your BBS, you will need a copy of Worldgroup 3.12 DOS 8-USER Hobbyist System. Metropolis has MajorMUD and all your BBS software needs, including WorldGroup, available. Visit Gameport to browse our Online Game Superstore!

Of course, the professional staff of Metropolis is on call to help you with your technical support and to handle any of your sales needs.

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